Musikgarten für Babys (0 – 18 months)

10 week session



Designed for parents and their babies to take together, this  30-minute class helps you learn how to play musically with your baby. In addition your baby is exposed to the German language through bouncing and rocking songs, peek-a-boo games and children’s poems. This is a full German immersion language-music class.

Please note: we have one dedicated 30 min baby class Wednesdays at 9 am in Cambridge. The Saturday 9am and 10am  class is for mixed ages. Baby siblings are free until they are one year old with an enrolled older sibling.


Tuition: $ 260,- (+ $20 reg. fee for new families )
Materials: Musikgarten baby book/mp3 $28,-
Total: $ 308.- (if book is needed & reg. fee)


Please let us know if you have any
questions about one of the classes.

Dunja Pechstein

Phone: 917-833-2473

Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Our Locations

Classes take place in Jamaica Plain, Cambridge and Somerville.
Please check class schedule for days and times:

Hope Central Church,
85 Seaverns Ave
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Cambridge Music Consortium
315 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139

Somerville Music Spaces,
1060 Broadway, Unit C101B,
Somerville, MA 0214

© 2023 Dunja Musikgarten | All Rights Reserved.